Wednesday, April 25, 2012
NIG tasks Cyber Nigeria Forum on industry issues
NSE assured investors of security of new trading platform
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
We are poised to improving broadband internet access, says Google Country manager
Expert warns against gagging the internet

An information and communications technology expert, Dr. Jim Olufuye has warned against the use of the rule of law to control activities in the internet stressing that such application of the law could turned out to be a setback to development.
Olufuye who is the chief executive officer of Kontemporary and Vice-Chairman,World Information Technology and Service Alliance (WITSA) in a document made available to the Nigerian Compass, observed that “everyone needs justice on the Internet, from the children, to consumers, users, producers, suppliers, organisations and states with regard to privacy, freedom of expression, security and other such rights. The rule of law prevails in the offline world but not yet matured in the online world”.
He said that the internet has become the imposing phenomenon of the modern era having been able to “define the way we live, work, learn, share and govern”.
According to him, it would be retrogressive to apply the rule of law to the use of the internet the way it is done in governance “because of its open, transparent and inherent multi-faceted nature that has engendered unprecedented access to information and wealth across the world”
He added that the internet has shrunk the world into what today is known as the 'global village' wherein information that hitherto could not be accessed due to distance can be available instantly.
Speaking further on the vast impact of the internet, Olufuye said that the internet has deferred geographical boundaries across the globe as a borderless online world without national boundaries noting that it has given birth to new citizens called global citizens or online citizens.
Olufuye however said that there is the need for the maintenance of law and order in the internet saying “how do we ensure that criminals do not operate with impunity? How do we ensure citizens’ rights to privacy, freedom of speech and assembly among others are not trampled upon by anyone not even the state? How do we ensure that there is justice on the Internet? How do we ensure that
core principles of decorum, civility and the right of children to participate online without abuse are protected?”
In tackling those challenges, he suggested that the challenges must rely on innovation, a key catalyst of the Internet which over the past 43years of its evolution has ensured its resilience.
He explained that: “the idea of doing something in a different way has not only benefitted the global economy, it has also added immense value to human life and dignity. The last frontier of the process concerns to how the Internet is governed to ensure the advancement of the rule of law in the online world”.
For instance he said there are some inputs that have made to salvage the internet from the ambit of the unguided control of the internet saying some of such was the results of the World Summit on Information Society 2005, which lead to the establishment of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF).
Now in its 6th edition and the 7th expected to hold in Baku Azerbaijan 6-9 November 2012,the IGF is meant to provide a forum for better understanding of the Internet governance ecosystem among all stakeholders irrespective of their constituencies.
He added that at the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development Working Group on the Improvement to the Internet Governance Forum, it was admitted that the true and enduring approach to Internet governance is through multi-stakeholder participation with a focus on building consensus around core issues.
Speaking further on the danger of the unguided control, Olufuye noted that the internet has an history of a system that continues to evolve through the participation of many stakeholders in the user community, the business community, the civil society, the technical and academic communities and of course governments.
And as such he said that “all stakeholders have something to offer and their views matter greatly for an effective rule of law in the online world” stating that a case in point was the stalling of the "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA) and "Protect Intelletual Property Act" (PIPA)
bills in the US Congress due to the failure of sponsors to carry key stakeholders along. He added that “the ideas behind the bills are good but the processes of articulating the bills were not inclusive. As mentioned earlier, the rule of law has to do with legal principles governing the conduct of all citizens and the disposal of justice in the real (offline) or the virtual (online) world”.
He recalled that recently the Council of Europe (CoE) and the International Chambers of Commerce (ICC) in separate proclamations declared that the offline laws and rule apply to situations and circumstances in the online world.
He explained that offline laws that apply to the internet are the crime of credit/debit card theft, identity theft, fraud, misuse
of bank accounts and obscene posting.
Olufuye called for multi-stakeholder co-operation and collaboration as a sine qua non for the rule of law to prevail on the internet adding that with regard to dealing with cybercrime, there is the Budapest Convention, which is the first treaty on Cybercrime.
He also said that the African Union Commission, the regional Economic Commissions like ECOWAS, the Interpol protocol should be expanded to cover online
stressing that the scope of expansion should only be carried out by incorporating other stakeholders like the business community.
The reason according is that business gathers a lot of personal data of clients, which based on privacy policies, are expected to be protected and not divulged to any third party.
“But for law enforcement purposes where such data are required from business, even on an on-going basis there should be internationally accepted legal protocol guiding such request by law enforcement authorities so as to promote the rule of law, trust and confidence on the use of the Internet”, he said.
He noted that Africa must be carried along in efforts to control the internet since the rapid development of Africa is hinged on the on-going evolution and innovation on the internet engendered by free flow of information.
New Paytv debut in Port Harcourt
A new Digital Terrestrial Television service, GOtv puts Nigeria at the forefront of technology in the digital migration process has been launched in Port Harcourt. The launch represents one of the most advanced Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) broadcast system and infrastructure established in Africa and the rest of the world to date and leapfrogs the outdated T1 systems which were utilized by first movers in the Digital Migration. This
Chairman of Details Nigeria, operators of the PayTV, Mr. Adewunmi Ogunsanya, said: ”We are very excited about the launch of GOtv, which forms part of our strategy to contribute to Nigeria’s digital migration through infrastructure investments. We have been working closely with the Government and the NCC to explore areas of convergence where we can assist in providing affordable digital television for everyone.”
GOtv is on the DVB-T2 technology standard which allows for up to 20 channels per frequency, this is different from DVB-T1 technology which only allows for 12 channels per frequency. Thus, there is a dramatic improvement on the dividend of terrestrial frequencies available to Nigeria when DVB-T2 is deployed.
Managing Director for MultiChoice Nigeria, Mr John Ugbe, stated that he is particularly excited as GOtv is set to put pay television services at the disposal of as many households as possible who wish to migrate into the digital age.
GOtv is an exciting pay television service which delivers great value and would give television lovers access to news, children’s programming, documentaries, series and movies - opening up a world of new and exciting family entertainment at a price everyone can afford. GOtv will deliver digital television for everyone and enables Nigerians to experience the digital television revolution in their own home.
General Manager of GOtv in Nigeria Mr. Mayo Okunola, said: “The GOtv brand was specially created to make available an affordable digital television product for all. When people think of digital television they immediately imagine it has to be expensive, this is not the case with GOtv, which offers great family entertainment at affordable prices. Nigerians are now set to benefit from easy access to an increased number of channels with enhanced picture and sound quality synonymous with digital television. The GOtv channel lineup is also uniquely placed to allow it to become the home of African television.”
Some of the channels that would be available to GOtv subscribers include AfricaMagic Movies, AfricaMagic Hausa, AfricaMagic Yoruba, Kids Co, Disney Junior, Discovery World, Sound City, Islam Channel, Al Jazeera, One Gospel, SELECT Sport and Channel O.
The GOtv channels were selected to ensure that subscribers get an exciting range of channels which would cater for the whole family. The line-up is designed to cater for a variety of different tastes and cultures. This ensures that subscribers enjoy improved picture and sound quality synonymous with digital television.
DTT stands for Digital Terrestrial Television (or Transmission). It refers to the broadcasting of terrestrial television in a digital format. Currently, terrestrial broadcasting in most African countries is in an analogue format. But African countries are all in the process of planning and implementing the migration from analogue to digital television.
Terrestrial television uses a network of transmission towers to relay the signal across the country. Each transmission tower has a specific area of coverage, and it is the network of coverage that provides television signals across the country. The broadcast signal is sent to the various towers and if you are within the area covered by a tower, then you will be able to receive the broadcast services via a terrestrial aerial which is usually placed on your roof or on your television set (depending on how strong the signal that you are receiving is).
We are poise to improving broadband internet access, says Google Country manager
Google, the world’s global online platform recently began a campaign aimed at growing Nigerian businesses through its newly introduced Google Plus social network in this interview with its Country Manager, Juliet Ehimuah, she disclosed that Nigerians have a passion for the internet but broadband internet is still a major challenge
Google Plus and the Nigerian economy
Google presence in Nigeria is to make the internet more relevant for everyday life because we know that Nigerians are very social. They like to interact with other people, we like to build community, and we like to share information.
Google plus is what make all that possible, so the Google Plus hub was organisation to create awareness in the market place. So with Google plus it is very easy to organise your online world around yourself.
For instance in real life you have several levels of relationship, you have a close friends, family friends and then you have extended family, general friends and those you do not really most often remember.
With Google Plus you can organise all of these into what w call Circles. The Circles is one of the many options in Google Plus that helps you to organise your online friends like you do in real life. So you can have a circle for close family members, friends from place of work, and extended family, and when you share information, you can decide if the information is for the general public or if it is going to be for people in your circles so you can share with your friends or family circles. With that Google helps to put you in control while sharing information.
Another example is that Google Plus is very integrated with existing online platforms such that if you are watching a video on Youtube and you like the video that you want to share it with other people, you do not need to go through a complicated process to do that, you can right from your Youtube window click on a button that allows you to share the video with people in your circles, also see what was posted or shared by other people in your circles.
Something that I find very interesting is that when you are searching for information, you are also able to see posting from Google Plus and people in your circles.
With circles you are sure that it is only those in the circles that you want to see the information that will eventually get to see it online. It therefore means that it creates i a level of privacy for you and those in your circles.
So what we are doing today is creating awareness so that Nigerians can take advantage of this platform. Google Plus has been available in Nigeria since it was launched in July last year. We have already had several engagements on it in the country.
For instance large corporate organisations like Globacom and Airtel are already on Google Plus. Globacom has larger presence on Google Plus and they have been posting a lot of announcement on it. And they identified it as a platform to reach the huge numbers of subscribers on their network.
We have also have a lot celebrities in Nigeria like Genevievie Nnaji,Tunde Kelani, Dare Art Alade who have created their profile on Google Plus.
The Google Plushub event
It is the best of its kind. We had over 250 Nigerian celebrities and influencers from different spheres of engagement including creative Artists, event planners, fashion influencers, developmental advocates, media celebrities and music enthusiasts who were invited to explore and become users of Google+.
On arrival, guests took fun photos in the Google plus photo booth and visited the Google Plus demo stations to get a quick insight into what was ahead.
There was also an in-depth Google+ presentation and live hangout demo by the Google Plus team, to show the communities how relevant Google plus is to them in both their personal and professional lives.
The event is one in the series of and the Lagos Google Plus hub is the latest in a series of Google Plus hub event being held across Africa to promote help celebrities and influencers better understand Google+.
Our target
Our commitment is to grow the platform locally as much as possible and we have seen an amazing acceleration in the growth of Google Plus. So far it is the fastest growing social network in Nigeria and globally.
Google Plus is not just a social network for socialising; it is also for business, and indeed all kinds of legitimate business. It is a platform that you can use to connect consumers and also to create a presence for your business. So if you are run a small business, you can create a page like a small website that you will use to communicate your goods and services.
One great advantage about that is that people can get to know and it help build trust on your business such that if you business is link to your profile, one can click on your profile and gives me information immediately on who is behind the business.
That alone can help the person visiting your page to decide if that is the right person to do business with.
Another interesting thing is that because it is a plus page, it is easy for people to find you when they are searching for you.
Our Uniqueness
Our secret is that it is not just a social network platform; it is a communication rich platform in the internet. It puts a social layer on everything people do on the internet. In some social platform when you communicate with people it is closed. If I send a chat or message to someone in one of the other platform it stays within that platform but with Google Plus your communication can flow across several channels.
That is why on Google plus if I am searching for information, it easy for me to see what other people have shared with me before.
Also last year, we launched Google trade, a platform that allows people to sell their goods and services across the globe. With Google trade you have the opportunity of linking your profile with others in your trade while others too can click on your profile and see you and know what line business you are into.
It therefore means it a special layer that feeds on the many other internet experiences that Nigerians have so that they can interact profitably.
The bandwidth challenge
There is several information that you can share on Google Plus that requires different amount of internet bandwidth. There is normal text which is very low in bandwidth, and there are pictures and videos which are very high. The Google Plus platform itself is optimised to enhance that sharing. One good example is Hangout, with it you communicate with people via video across the world. If you are on a narrow bandwidth connection, there is a way you can set up your Hangout such that it is either audio only or you reduce the resolution of the image.
Content control and security
We have terms and condition that ensures that people respect the right of other people.
We have a very robust security that we apply in all our platforms and that is why you rarely get spam on the Gmail account that is because there is a very sophisticated technology supporting that platform.
That is one reason why we have been successful in launching our Gmail SMS services with MTN,Glo, and Starcomm. With the Gmail SMS you can send SMS to someone with through the network of any of the operators that are registered with us. It is free and you can also get a reply to your email via SMS.
The good thing about that is that Google understand that many Nigerians are interacting through the internet using their mobile phones, and a lot use features based phones which are SMS base so that is why we creating platform that will enable you to interact from desktop computer to laptops and then to mobile phones.
And that is what the Gmail SMS is doing. So from your Gmail account you can send an SMS to a mobile phone number and you can also receive SMS through your Gmail account. You need a Gmail account for all this to possible.
Also in the Google Plus platform you can send SMS to one or more mobile phone number.
Our challenge
Nigerians are very social that is why we have a large number of Nigerian communities on Youtube, so have Nollywood movies on Youtube which are watched not only by Nigerians but by other movie lovers across the world. What are now looking at is to create enough awareness so that they can use these platforms to their benefit.
We are still fastest growing network that is open and helps you to interact and engagement. We have daily changes that enhance the uses of the Google plus. It is a platform where people should be able to share their works so that why you can download the pictures. If you already have a Google account it is easy for you to migrate.
Doing business in Nigeria
What we are focusing on right now in Nigeria is helping people to grow their business on line. We see that there is a yearly increase of Nigerians online but it is still about 28 per cent of the population based on IT statistic.
So there is a challenge around people getting on online, and those challenges are very much around infrastructure. You do not have enough broadband internet access the country and prices are still very much on the high side, which we hope should be addressed by the relevant stakeholders.
And we are engage with different organisations with the private and public sector to see what can be done.
Etisalat Nigeria introduce new brand campaign
Etisalat Nigeria has launched a new campaign that celebrates the essence of its brand. This campaign is to bring to fore the appreciable values of Etisalat as being more than a mobile network, but a way of life.
The media launch of the campaign was unveiled to reinforce the brand’s core values, personality and beliefs such as innovation, uniqueness, youthfulness, confidence and more while establishing a positive and dominant connection with old and new customers.
Chief Executive Officer, Etisalat Nigeria, Steven Evans said, “The Etisalat brand represents a company that is youthful, dynamic and innovative. We deliver good quality service and value in everything we do. Today, we are unveiling a new campaign to further reinforce our uniqueness and also reinforce that Etisalat’s difference is not replicable, it is about an attitude and culture, and is simply a way of life.
In just 3 years of operation, we have established a special place in the lives of Nigerians with a customer base of 12 million. We are simply the fastest growing telecoms company in Nigeria”.
Chief Commercial Officer, Etisalat Nigeria while telling the brand story, reiterated the fact that innovation is in the DNA of every product Etisalat has launched – from easy starter with HomeZone and You & Me, easy cliq with Talk & Share and Cliq for the week, easy life with its unique affordable tariff to easyblaze the fastest broadband service in Nigeria – products that become a part of the daily lives of Nigerians; products that are cool and trendy to associate with while Etisalat makes its subscribers lives easier.
“At Etisalat, the 0809ja way is the unusual way of doing things, challenging the norm, thinking differently, bringing a positive attitude to our service. It’s a mindset that is setting us apart from everyone else. We don’t do things different because we can; we’re simply different. It’s this attitude that we’re celebrating today. Bigger and stronger than ever before with more than twelve million subscribers in every state of the country, continuing to set the trend with commitment to quality, innovation, and customer focus,” he said.
Highpoints of the media event included the release of the world class advertising for radio, press and outdoor, the 0809ja 4 life music video and soundtrack.
Starcomms offers flexible subscription plan
As part of its tradition of delighting its customers, Starcomms Plc, is spreading love to its customers by offering a flexible subscription plan.
The promo would last for six days and it would be available on both the IZAP and the 1X platforms. It would run from 16th to 21st of April, 2012.
According to a statement from Starcomms chief executive officer, Logan Pather the promo is targeted at the company’s current and prospective customers.
During the promo, existing and prospective customers can buy the IZAP USB modem + 100 hours for N5,999 while 1X USB modem + 100 hours would cost
It would be recalled that the company also offered a promo during the Valentine Day with its buy-one-get-one-free’ data modem as well as 50 per cent discount on local calls for those on voice plan while on Mother’s day, it allowed its customers to download the sweet mother caller tunes to spice up the celebration.
Starcomms has been at the forefront of bringing innovative services to its customers. The company has been adjudged since 2007 as the CDMA network of the year by top telecommunication industry watchers.
Glo partners international firm on foreign airtime recharge
Globacom has signed an agreement with one of the fastest growing providers of international airtime transfers for prepaid mobile operators in emerging markets, Prepay Nation to offer international top up services in North America and Europe .
Through the partnership, individuals living in the US, Canada , and Europe will be able to transfer small currency values to Glo customers in Nigeria in the form of airtime minutes, from a diverse array of convenient retail locations.
This means that the growing Nigerian expatriate community in North America and Europe which is estimated at over 5 million individuals, as well as those with loved ones living and working in Nigeria can now get instant access to Glo International Mobile Top Up cards through Prepay Nation’s expansive retail distribution network.
Speaking about the development, Head of Glo Gateway, Adeniyi Olukoya said that the partnership will further help to improve the connection between Nigerians in the Diaspora and their loved ones at home who they can send international airtime top–ups by visiting any of the thousands of Prepay Nation partner outlets across Europe and in North America .
“This partnership is significant as it offers greater opportunity to millions of Nigerians in the Diaspora to support their family, friends, colleagues and loved ones by easily and instantaneously replenishing their mobile airtime minutes on the Glo network from a nearby partner retailer”, he stated.
Head of Marketing at Prepay Nation, Sarah Feidt said her company was delighted to partner with Glo as it is the fastest growing telecommunications company on the African continent.
"We are excited to partner with Glo. They are pioneers in the African market, and our international mobile top-up services are a perfect fit with that. We’re also pleased to serve the Nigerian Diaspora, which remits an estimated $20 billion annually. Being able to send small amounts to their loved ones instantly in the form of airtime minutes will no doubt be extremely valuable to this supportive demographic", she said.
Launched in Nigeria in 2003, Globacom has consistently grown to support over 22 million subscribers on its network in Nigeria and Benin Republic with many more set to come on board in Ghana where it is set to launch soon.
Glo has also made history as the first company to single-handedly build an $800 million high-capacity fibre-optic submarine cable, known as Glo-1. It is the first successful submarine cable from the United Kingdom to Nigeria with connections to 12 other African countries and a dedicated extension to the United States.
Already, the cable is offering immense bandwidth capabilities to homes and businesses in Nigeria and beyond, radically changing the way that people work and communicate across the continent.
Cellulant to drive FG’s electronic agricultural input scheme
A mobile commerce network operator, Cellulant Nigeria Limited, is to oversee a Federal Government electronic based agricultural input programme tagged Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GES).
Under the scheme, Cellulant would design, develop and operate the technology platform that will provide electronic-mobile registration, validation and also develop a value chain system (e-wallet) that will support the distribution of farm inputs directly to farmers.
Cellulant Nigeria Limited is part of the Cellulant Corporation, a business founded by Nigerians and Kenyans with operations across a number of African countries including Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Botswana.
Executive Director, Special Projects, Cellullant Corporation Limited, Mr. Bolaji Akinboro, explained that the firm’s involvement in the Nigerian government’s subsidized fertilizer access scheme is to deploy its expertise in value chain development, digital content creation, delivery and management over mobile telecommunication network.
He said, “As a leading Mobile Commerce Network Operator in Africa that manages, delivers and bills for digital content and mobile payment networks, we understand the requirements and challenges of mobile commerce business. Over the years, we have worked with several Nigerian telecommunication companies, banks and various other organizations to deliver and manage digital content and it is the same expertise and experience that the Nigerian government will leverage to operate the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme.”
The GES scheme aims to deliver subsidized fertilizer to farmers; empower them to increase their yield and encourage a shift from subsistence to commercial farming based on an electronic registration and validation process.
Under the GES Scheme, an accredited farmer will receive fertiliser allocation through a Personal Identification Number, PIN (a voucher number for all farm inputs comprising fertilizer and seeds- available through the GES program) sent to his or her phone. The recipient then redeems the voucher for farm inputs at subsidized rates after paying the top-up to specially appointed agro-dealer.
The government contracted Cellulant to help build an efficient distribution channel to deliver fertilizer to farmers. During the field trials of the GES technology in 12 states; the redemption rates for farm inputs by farmers was very significant. This has now made it possible for Government to affect the lives of the individual Nigerian Farmer directly.
Akinboro said the firm’s business falls within the Value Added Services or Wireless Application Service provider segment of the telecommunication industry and also as an ecosystem provider in the mobile commerce segment of the banking industry.
“Cellulant is a Nigerian company that has been duly registered and operating in the country for over eight years with vast experience in the valued added services segment in the telecommunications sector,” he said
NITDA advocates conscious efforts at bridging gender divide
Director-General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) Prof. Cleopas Angaye has called on all stakeholders to support the move to ensure that girls are properly drafted into the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) profession in Nigeria.
The NITDA boss was speaking in the light of the upcoming International Girls In ICT Day event being organised by eBusiness Life Communications Limited on April 26, 2012 in Lagos.
According to Angaye, although the gender inequality is a global issue, Nigeria’s case is even more pronounced because even in other areas such as IT utilisation, the gap is very wide.
“The divide is such that we have to consciously work to ensure that we narrow the gap. So I believe it’s a worthwhile effort to contribute to both physically and financially to ensure that our females are properly catered for in the digital era,” he charged.
He promised to be part of the event which has as its theme, “Why Leave ICT to boys, Girls can do ICT too”, which he believes would make a change in the annals of ICT development in Nigeria.
The NITDA DG is one of many dignitaries expected to grace the first International Girls in ICT Day celebration to be held in Nigeria. Others include Mrs. Omobola Johnson, Minister of Communication Technology, Mrs Florence Seriki, CEO of Omatek Computers, among others. The event will be chaired by Mrs Funke Opeke, CEO of Main One Cable Company Limited.
Johnson had earlier underlined the importance of the event, stating: “Girls in ICT Day should be marked until seeing girls in ICT is not a novelty or an anomaly”
The one-day event which is meant to sensitize young girl and all stakeholders involved in moulding their careers path, on the need to take up ICT as a profession, is part of an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) initiative.
International Girls’ Day is an initiative launched through ITU Resolution 70 with the idea of creating a global environment that will empower and encourage girls and young women to consider careers in the field of information and communication technologies. The Union declared the 4th (fourth) Thursday of April every year as a day of encouragement to girls and young women to consider careers in ICT and society is reminded to support them in their choice.
Pilot projects and campaigns have been launched in a number of countries for about 20 years, with the aim to change girls' and young women's behaviour patterns with regard to their choice of career and to expand their spectrum of career options.
The one-day event, which kick-starts the campaign, is geared at promoting the above agenda. This will be followed by series of activities which will expose young girls to the viability of career in ICT.
According to Mrs. Ufuoma Emuophedaro, CEO of eBusiness Life Communication, the need to sensitise young girls is premised on the fact that the society has unconsciously relegated the female gender and delegated careers in technical fields, especially in ICT, to their male counterparts.
She said that effort should be made to introduce young girls to career opportunities in technical fields in both the public and private sectors to help them have a wide range of options and contribute their quota in the industry.
She stated that the ICT Girls’ Day workshop and subsequent campaign would further open up opportunities for girls in ICT sector.
As part of the 2012 event, there would be quiz/debate competition between female students from select secondary schools, roundtable discussion, interactive and motivational talk from renowned women ICT professionals, among others.
The event would also include parents as they are a part of the future moulders for young girls.
Furthermore on the campaign which , activities such as sustained mentorship programmes, tours to ICT facilities, participation in seminars that promote ICT development, competitions on various ICT topics, and more would be organized to further sensitize and educate young girls on the career path.